A Big Shout Out to Our Support Staff

Here at AECFV we consider ourselves very lucky to have such a hard-working team. We believe our staff sets us apart. Due to their dedication, we are able to operate our hospital to the high standards we set for ourselves.

We are dedicating March as a time of appreciation and celebration of our support team.  We have a total of 40 Veterinary Assistants, Receptionists, Hospital Assistants and Dr. Liaisons keeping our hospital running smoothly.  With the challenges this year has brought us all, we have asked a lot them.  They have met the challenges of this pandemic with nothing but their best.  We count on them to help our clients understand how to comply with our Covid-19 protocols as well as keep our hospital clean, organized and running smoothly. In addition, they also triage a very heavy caseload. AECFV has seen an average of 65% more cases this past year.

In appreciation of their contribution to our team, we have put together a fun gift bag for each of them, along with a gift card and a potted plant of their choice.  To make it fun, we turned the plant choosing into a draw.  Two of the potted plants had a special sticker on the bottom entitling them to a day off with pay! 

Congratulations to Talia and Jasmin for choosing the lucky plants! Both of these two ladies are getting a day off with pay!
