Referring Veterinarians

Patient Direct Transfer Form

We have updated our direct transfer procedure. We hope this will provide an improved transition and experience for the client/patient from your clinic/hospital to ours.

The additional information being requested on the updated direct transfer form will assist our medical staff with providing the most prompt and accurate treatments.

Patient Direct Transfer Form

This updated form does request that a representative from your hospital call us prior to sending the patient or the form. Our reception staff will be asking a few basic questions to prepare our treatment staff for your patient. They also ensure that you have the most up to date forms. We want our hospital to feel confident about the transfer. We want the client to feel comfortable with the process. In order to make this happen, we require the information and documentation prior to meeting your client and their pet.

The Client Directions and Expectations handout is to be provided to any client that is being sent to our facility. We appreciate that a client may have a feeling of urgency when departing your facility. We want them to have transportable information that explains who we are, where we are and what to expect when they arrive.

Tonometry Referral Form

We can offer outpatient tonopen procedures for your clients. Please call us ahead of time so we can be prepared for your client’s visit.

These procedures will ideally take place after 5pm weeknights and after 9am on weekends.

Brochures and Supplies

We are happy to provide you a variety of items to better inform your clients on how our emergency services complement the comprehensive care you provide. These items will be provided to you at no charge.

You will find clinic brochures including information on Pet First Aid and our Blood Donor Program.  After Hours Emergency window decals can also be provided.

Brochure and Supply Request