Pet Updates and Visiting

We are happy to provide you updates by phone, text or email. We prefer there is one contact person but if there is a second individual please ensure our client care team is made aware of that. If you are calling in for updates you will likely speak to the nurse that has been assigned to your pet. Please note that our shift changes are at 9am, 5pm and 1am which is typically a very busy time as all staff members are informed of the status of each patient and all treatments they are receiving. If you call within an hour either way of these times, our medical staff may be unable to provide an update.

We understand your desire to be able to spend time with your pet while they are in the hospital. We will make every effort to allow you to do so, however, depending on the number of cases we have in hospital, it is not always possible. Keep in mind that while your pet may enjoy a visit, they are often more anxious once you leave.

Any visits immediately after surgeries are discouraged. Clients are not permitted to stay ‘overnight’ in our hospital and all visits should be kept to 30 minutes or less. Visitation of infectious animals will be handled on a case by case basis.